By Tom Toce
Six entries are unclued. You will be able to figure out the entries through the crossed letters and with the knowledge that they pertain to subject matter that often appears in this magazine.
Cryptic Puzzle
By Tom Toce
Once again we have a puzzle created by Bob Fink and Jerry Miccolis.
By Tom Toce
This issue’s puzzle was created by Bob Fink and Jerry Miccolis, two of my regular test solvers.
By Tom Toce
I wasn’t sure it could be done, but here is the last in our rolling a seven series, six and one.
By Tom Toce
I promised I would try the other ways to get a roll of seven, so I present here the next-easier way, two-five.
By Tom Toce
Growing up, I heard the phrase “to roll a seven” as a euphemism for death. Someone “rolling a seven” meant the same thing as “buying the farm,” “kicking the bucket,” etc.
By Tom Toce
Since this puzzle is published in an actuarial publication, I sometimes remember to put things in that pertain to the profession.
By Tom Toce
The previous puzzle was “Cryptic Squares,” and I was going to call this one “More Cryptic Squares.” But “Cryptic Squares” had eight 5 x 5 word squares and hence 80 clues—and I’m not making that mistake again!
By Tom Toce
Each of the eight 5 × 5 word squares has one entry that is too long.
By Tom Toce
When I have fears that I may cease to be, I usually do a crossword or a cryptic puzzle, so that I can feel my final moments haven’t been entirely wasted.