By Ted Gotsch
The 2024 election results bring anticipated shifts in policy and political direction, leaving many pundits and the average American asking “what happens next?” But what does it say about the issues the Academy cares about the most, such as healthcare, retirement security, climate change, cybersecurity, artificial intelligence (AI), and others?
Posts From cobrien
Contingencies asked the various affinity groups representing the diversity of U.S. actuaries and their allies to tell us a little about what they had planned for 2025 and encourage all Academy members to get involved in these great organizations. Here are their responses.
By Patrick Getzen, FSA, MAAA, Dave Nelson, Karen Johnston, MD
Healthcare costs are a mystery to most people and organizations.
By Tom Toce
Entries start at square one and proceed to one hundred.
By Stephen Meskin
The puzzle column in this magazine almost eight years ago: Vol 29 No 3 (2017, May–June), was about tiling 4×4 squares with tetrominoes.
By Robert J. Reitz
I’m old. I bear no ill will toward anyone who closed the back cover after reading that.
By Lenny Shteyman MAAA, FSA
A doctor and actuary walk into an emergency room…. It sounds like the beginning of a dark joke actuaries would appreciate, except that it became my reality for five days in a row. Here’s my story.
In an era marked by unprecedented uncertainty and rapid change, the role of chief risk officers (CROs) has never been