Generative applications are powerful tools that require smart testing.
Contingencies magazine has been at the forefront of thought leadership about artificial intelligence for many years. This page collects the various articles written over the years; read on to see how thinking on AI and actuarial practice has evolved.
Generative applications are powerful tools that require smart testing.
By Adam Benjamin
What last year’s explosion means for the future of policy
October 2023
This promising use case faces possible headwinds in the form of data security concerns—can stakeholders assure privacy for personally identifiable information of vulnerable patients?
July/August 2023
Tools like ChatGPT (among other AI and machine learning applications) are already transforming actuarial work.
July/August 2023
Actuaries have a responsibility to treat generative language models with care.
July/August 2023
The actuarial profession is uniquely positioned to confront the challenges afforded by new technologies like AI.
July/August 2023
This Up to Code article ponders what an actuary needs to consider with regard to technologies like ChatGPT and Bard.
June 2023
Tools like ChatGPT have made strides in the few short months they’ve been around.
May/June 2023
Large language models are novel and neat, but they’re not likely to replace the user behind the keyboard.
January/February 2023
Three books try to explain the present—and the future—of this powerful new tool.
July/August 2022
As tech develops, cutting-edge actuaries will always have something new to offer their principals.
March/April 2022
Artificial intelligence is being used to diagnose maladies and lower costs across the health care system.
September/October 2021
What can we learn from one specific use case in modeling?
September/October 2021
It’s a fact of everyday life—AI-driven customer service.
March/April 2020
This 2020 feature looks in depth at how big data and its tools are changing underwriting.
November/December 2019
Another practical use case of AI: this one on modeling healthy life expectancy.
May/June 2019
A high-level look at the case for when to deploy next-gen tactics when you’re building your models.