July/August 2023


Cracks in the Foundation?

Cracks in the Foundation?

By Steve Malerich
“In this scenario, the foundation beneath our retirement system has crumbled. Our stool cannot stand, because it has nothing to stand on.”


ChatGPT—Understanding the Model
Special Section

ChatGPT—Understanding the Model

July/August 2023
By Brian Jackson
The recent emergence of generative artificial intelligence (AI) tools like OpenAI’s ChatGPT has stimulated considerable discussion about how these technologies can be used by actuaries when providing professional services.

Radio Contests

Radio Contests

By Josh Feldman
Growing up in the ’80s in St. Louis, radio was king. Before the iPod, YouTube, or even Napster, the best way to listen to music was on the radio.

On Plastics
End Paper

On Plastics

By Sam Gutterman
I was with my family in Miami Beach. Beginning to swim in the Atlantic Ocean, I not only waded through a big clump of seaweed, but also a patch of plastic bags and candy wrappers.