May/June 2021


What’s in Your Airspace?

What’s in Your Airspace?

By John Divine
For the vast majority of human history, our species had no interaction with the skies. Perhaps the most serious entertainment of the subject for millennia on end appeared in a cautionary Greek myth. Alas, things didn’t end well for poor Icarus.


Eight Is Enough
Cryptic Puzzle

Eight Is Enough

By Tom Toce
I wanted to make a COVID puzzle, one where all the entries, or at least the across entries, pertained to what’s been going on the past year.

How Many Words in a Crossword Puzzle?

How Many Words in a Crossword Puzzle?

By Stephen Meskin
This column could stop here with just the title. But I get paid by the word, so I’ll ramble on a bit before we get to Josh’s solution to the problem he posed in the last issue.