Academy volunteers sound off on the advantages of serving on a committee or work group The Academy’s 1,000+ volunteers are
By Jim Lynch
Inflation moderated in the United States last year, but the price of auto insurance did not help matters.
By Paul E. Forte
More than 20 years ago, at an insurance industry conference, I moderated a panel with the same name as the title of this article.
Measuring the sustainability of a small business By Jay Vadiveloo MotivationSmall businesses, defined as businesses with 500 or fewer employees
Read about the inspiring experiences and outlooks of our roundtable respondents. On the occasion of Women’s History Month, Contingencies sat
By John Divine
Far from an existential threat, this tech is seen as an avenue toward more strategic roles.
As the national organization for all U.S. actuaries, the Academy’s volunteer groups will be keeping busy this year.