By Josh Feldman
It’s been a rough couple of months for me—a running injury has prevented me from hitting the roads this winter. So while the running gang was out there hitting the pavement, I was stuck at home being a lazy bum.
By Stephen Meskin
Combinatorial problems are often posed using urns into which balls are placed and then withdrawn.
By Josh Feldman
While I don’t play poker nearly as much as I did 15 years ago, I still enjoy playing and watching the greatest card game ever created.
By Stephen Meskin
A standard pair of dice is a common object about which to pose probability problems.
By Josh Feldman
Every year, I give dozens of interviews for my alma mater, a way-too-tough-to-get-into university in Middlesex County, Massachusetts.
By Stephen Meskin
It is mid-March as I sit composing this column. All these problems have a connection, possibly tenuous, to March.
By Josh Feldman
Lots of people ask me what I think about running, trying to figure out how I keep focused during a long run on the mean streets of Columbia.
By Josh Feldman
As if running on New Orleans streetcar tracks isn’t dangerous enough, a new, darker, more treacherous phenomenon has taken America by storm.
By Stephen Meskin
I came across the following interesting problem from the 61st Annual International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO), which was held remotely on Sept. 20 & 21, 2020. The IMO is the world’s leading mathematical competition for high school students.