Election 2024



The Academy highlights the actuarial considerations involved in issues like quality, costs, coverage, care, solvency, and health equity across the health ecosystem, including Medicare, Medicaid, long-term care, mental health, and much more.

Back to the Issues Clearinghouse

This issue brief examines the 2024 Medicare Trustees Report. It finds, in part, that changes are needed to improve Medicare’s long-term solvency and sustainability. Delaying corrective measures would increase the burden that might be imposed on beneficiaries and taxpayers. Any changes aiming to improve Medicare’s financial condition should be considered in light of how they would impact the program’s ability to meet the health care needs of beneficiaries.

Academy’s April 2nd Medicaid Unwinding Webinar Discusses Effects of Program Changes

The speakers focused on where the U.S. stands a year into Medicaid’s unwinding of continuous coverage requirements, following the Covid-19 pandemic that halted disenrollments from the public program.

Academy Task Force Plays Role in Getting Better Handle on Mental Health and Well

May marks the 75th anniversary of the creation of Mental Health Awareness Month, which focuses on the vital role mental health plays in our overall well-being. It also serves as an opportunity to provide resources and information to support the more than one in five U.S. adults who have experienced mental health illness, according to the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI).

Actuary Voices Podcast with Becky Sheppard

Becky Sheppard joins Actuary Voices to discuss the benefits of volunteering with the Academy, including a wide range of experiences and perspectives through networking. Becky is the co-chairperson of the Health Equity Committee, examining actuarial practices and methods that may affect health disparities. 

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