Actuarial Software Now 2022
By R. Greg Szrama III
A new paradigm is changing the way companies conduct their operations.
Special Section
Companies Are in the Home Stretch in Their Quest to Get It Right By Michael Winkler and Sunil Kansal Insurance
By Glenn Meyers
Since its introduction last October, the word game Wordle has gone viral. On November 1 of last year, it had 90 players. By the end of December, it had over 300,000 users.
By Kendra Letang and Rob Walling
There’s a misperception that innovators don’t need rules. Or, perhaps more dramatically, a perception that innovators flout rules.
Are you getting paid what you're worth? These surveys, compiled by Claude Penland of Ezra Penland Actuarial Recruitment, offer a snapshot of 2021 compensation in the life, property/casualty, health, and pension fields.
Web Exclusive, December 2021
By Michael G. Malloy
Cybercrime and ransomware have become a global concern for governments and businesses.
By Alyssa Oursler
When will an actuary be called upon to contend with the fledgling commercial space tourism line?
By Mike Santore and Robert Eaton
Look to this micro-generation for tech-savvy, adaptable leadership.
By Sally Ezra
2020 was a year of enlightenment for me. Between my family and social circle, I feel as if I am surrounded by a United Nations conference.