By Jay Vadiveloo
This is the third of a series of articles in Contingencies on small businesses in the U.S., abbreviated as SMEs, or small and medium-sized enterprises.
Review by Paul Conlin
The Donkey & The Boat: Reinterpreting the Mediterranean Economy, 950–1180
By Josh Feldman
One of the first movies I ever saw was Footloose, and even though I haven’t rewatched the movie in over 40 years, the film left a lasting impression on me.
By Sam Gutterman
There has been little political discussion at the federal level concerning how to meet the needs for long-term care. Should I be surprised? The simple answer is “no.”
By Eric P. Harding
I’m sitting in my office in the Academy’s headquarters on M Street NW in Washington, D.C.
(10/10/24) For the past six months, the Academy has used its Election 2024: Issues Clearinghouse as a one-stop shop for members, policymakers, and the broader policy community to find independent, unbiased insights with the actuarial perspective on some of the top policy issues facing this country—retirement security, health care, climate change, cybersecurity, artificial intelligence, and risk management.
(10/01/24) Fall is upon us, and with it comes something spooky to take heed of every October. No, it has nothing to do with ghosts or goblins—it’s the annual reminder that hackers and phishers are on the prowl to steal your data. That’s right, it’s Cybersecurity Awareness Month.
(9/25/24) As the effects of climate change become increasingly evident, industries worldwide are feeling the impact. Among them, the insurance industry is experiencing significant shifts as it grapples with the rising costs and complexities associated with climate-related risks.