By Warren Manners

Across | Down | ||
1 | Discoverer of kerosene | 1 | Apparel |
7 | Indian nanny | 2 | Alternative introducer |
11 | “Shoot!” | 3 | Wrinkle |
14 | Meteorological menace | 4 | Nickname of the caravel Santa Clara |
15 | Opt to drop | 5 | Persistence of memory |
16 | Form follower? | 6 | It can’t be played at home |
17 | Fourth century Indian saint | 7 | Famed French explorer |
18 | Bouquet | 8 | Bordeaux red |
19 | Dodge pickup truck | 9 | To love in Lisbon |
20 | Letter closing | 10 | Family history |
22 | Folder’s output | 11 | Mysterious quality |
24 | Avocado in Avila | 12 | Bridge term |
26 | M.I.T. degree | 13 | Object of worship in Shinto |
29 | Author of “Death in Venice” | 21 | Parlor purchase |
30 | Rapunzel, for one | 23 | Talmudic commentary |
34 | “Ring out the thousand ___ of old”: Tennyson | 25 | Dotted line? |
36 | CCCLXXVI x IV | 26 | Rough estimates |
38 | Hedged with options | 27 | Unit of purity |
39 | It separates Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan | 28 | Tense situation |
41 | Native of Portugal | 31 | 🙂 |
43 | Full range | 32 | Net receivables? |
44 | Mollify | 33 | Byways |
46 | The Cure “This is ___” | 35 | Floodgate |
47 | One way to get to the top | 37 | Foresight |
49 | Old Parmesan bread? | 40 | The art of war |
51 | City transit | 42 | Flavoring in Earl Grey tea |
52 | Product books | 45 | Cheer competition |
54 | Reproductive cells | 48 | Fatty tissue compound |
57 | Temperaments | 50 | Dead giveaway? |
62 | “But he saith unto them, it ___; be not afraid”: John 6:20 | 53 | Half of a 45 |
63 | Idle or Heiden | 54 | Slack |
65 | Nursery purchase | 55 | “Stat” |
66 | Pianist Cliburn | 56 | Winona’s “Dracula” role |
67 | Messi & Maradona | 58 | Bell Labs creation |
68 | Ear infection | 59 | “Coming of Age” actress Lee |
69 | AQI monitor | 60 | “Happy Days” actress Moran |
70 | Proto-matter from which the universe was made | 61 | Mtg. |
71 | Lyndon Johnson and George W. Bush | 64 | IFRS 17 PV Profits |
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received by December 15, 2022.
Previous Puzzle: Esrever

Solvers: Steve Altschuld and Madhumathi Windon, Dean Apps, Karl Baker, Bob Campbell, Lois Cappellano, Ann Conway, Todd Dashoff, Jared Dashoff, Nick Franceschine, Phil Gollance, Peter Hepokoski, Paul Ivanovskis, Feriz Kurtaljevic, Bradley Joern, Clive Keatinge, Ken Kudrak, Jim Muza, Ray Niswander, John Palmer, Ram Raman, and Wendy Windsor.