By Eric Harding
Professionalism is the watchword of this issue—all of the features in this issue consider various aspects of this important element of actuaries’ lives.
In “A Delicate Boon,” Academy Senior Director of Professionalism Brian Jackson looks at the precious gift of public trust. The actuarial profession is self-regulated in the United States … and it takes a strong professionalism infrastructure to allow that self-governing system to endure. Every actuary has a duty to maintain the public’s trust in the profession.
That idea of “we’re all in this together” is explored further in our second feature, “Everyone Plays a Part,” the first of two pieces by the Committee on Professional Responsibility (COPR). Precept 13 of the Code of Professional Conduct requires every actuary practicing in the U.S. to keep an eye on the behavior of other actuaries—and to hold them accountable if they fall short of their professional duties. This piece delineates, with numerous examples, how and why an actuary should speak up if they witness something untoward.
The COPR continues with our final feature this issue, “Into New Frontiers.” It’s an exciting time to be thinking of shifting roles and responsibilities in your career; machine learning, AI, and other cutting-edge technologies are changing the ways in which businesses operate. But professionalism must always be at the forefront of your mind. This timely article lays out some considerations if you’re working in a developing area of actuarial practice.
The professionalism content doesn’t end with the features, though—as ever, we have Up to Code, in which Actuarial Board for Counseling and Discipline member Richard Kutikoff lays out “A Lifetime of Professionalism.” And I’m pleased to be bringing a new department over from our monthly newsletter, Actuarial Update; in Professionalism Counts (“ASOPs—Your Input Wanted”), we’ll be offering an occasional and practical look at professional considerations that matter to actuaries’ everyday work.
Thank you, as ever, for reading. And drop me a line at if you have ideas for future articles—I’d love to hear from you.