By Ken Kent
For employers of actuaries, their employees’ membership in actuarial organizations provides clear and tangible benefits. With more than one actuarial organization in the U.S., it is important that employers understand the value and reasoning for supporting their actuaries’ individual, and often, multiple memberships.
President's Message
By Ken Kent
The actuaries I have worked with, both in my professional career and as a volunteer, are far more creative than our publics might realize.
By Ken Kent
Though I am new to the role of Academy president, I am in no way new to participating in the Academy as a volunteer. Indeed, volunteering in our profession is personal for me.
By Maryellen Coggins
I’ve talked about renewal a lot this year. I spoke about it at last year’s annual meeting, and I have written about it in my presidential columns in these pages and elsewhere.
By Maryellen Coggins
With one of the hottest summers on record just about behind us, the soon-to-be-changing weather (and leaves) will again signify a time of change.
By Maryellen Coggins
As readers of Editor-in-Chief Eric Harding’s “Inside Track” now know, this issue’s features all deal with technological change—a fitting dovetail with my overarching theme of renewal.
By Maryellen Coggins
Readers of my first two columns will notice that I’ve been focusing this year on a spirit of renewal—where I live, this has bloomed from an unusually cool spring to warmer weather heading toward summer.
By Maryellen Coggins
In my last column I wrote about renewal—the changing seasons and the coming spring, and the Academy’s own renewal with new leadership and new areas of focus for a new year.
By Maryellen Coggins
There aren’t many hours of sunlight on these dreary winter days. But it cheers the spirit to know that beneath the surface of the chilly topsoil, patient flower bulbs—dazzling daffodils, slender tulips, fragrant hyacinth—are biding their time, waiting for the season of renewal to come.
By Tom Campbell
“It’s nice to see you.” This is a phrase I heard over and over, and one I said several times, when the Academy Board met in person in early October.