Inside Track

A Magazine for the Whole Profession

A Magazine for the Whole Profession

By Eric P. Harding

Typically, this space is spent noodling over some personal anecdote that ties into the theme of the features for the issue. But this column is going to be a little different.

First, if you haven’t done so already, please read the letter to the editor in this issue. (I’ll wait.)

When I got that letter, my instinct was to conclude that he was off base. Contingencies has always featured female voices—just as it makes space for authors of different backgrounds of all types. But then, in putting this issue together, I noticed that our department editors—those who have the privilege of contributing on a recurring basis, who can build a rapport with our audience—are all male.

That’s not taking anything away from those department editors; they work hard to bring you quality content in their subject area, and I’m consistently proud of the outcome of that effort. But I’d be telling tales outside of school if I said that having all men on that roster is the best way to put together a magazine that’s representative of the entire U.S. profession.

And that’s my vision for Contingencies. I want your magazine to reflect the amazing diversity of experience of the U.S. actuarial profession—across whatever spectrum you choose to view it on.

So: My New Year’s resolution for Contingencies is to seek out those voices that may not have heretofore found their way to print. If your goal for 2022 is to write more, drop me a line at—maybe we can help each other out.

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