


New Year, New Opportunities
Editor's Note

New Year, New Opportunities

AS THE CALENDAR REMORSELESSLY EDGES TOWARD THE EVENING OF DECEMBER 31 each year, many people take it as an opportunity to take stock of what has happened in the previous year and look forward to what they would like to happen in the next 12 months.

A Value Proposition
President's Message

A Value Proposition

By Darrell Knapp
WHEN I BECAME THE ACADEMY’S 60TH PRESIDENT in November—in my 40th year as an Academy member—I was reflecting on the value of being an Academy member and an Academy volunteer (27 years and counting).

Hurricane Helene

Hurricane Helene

By Robert Rietz
I told him we lived in downtown Asheville, which didn’t bear the brunt of the Sept. 28 storm, and our condo building escaped without any damage.

Five by Five

Five by Five

By Stephen Meskin
The puzzle column in this magazine almost eight years ago: Vol 29 No 3 (2017, May–June), was about tiling 4×4 squares with tetrominoes.