By Carlos Fuentes
“Winning or Losing the Game?” (Contingencies, July/August 2016) introduced certain basic ideas of game theory to analyze the economics of integrated health care systems.
Posts From george
By Alyssa Oursler
Exactly 47 years after the Soviet Union sent Sputnik into orbit, the creatively named SpaceShipOne spacecraft became the first privately built vehicle to reach space.
By Hilary Salt
Discussions about risk are everywhere around us. As measurers and managers of risk, this should be good news for actuaries—more work for us, more opportunities in areas outside our traditional fields, and greater social recognition.
By Linda Lankowski, Kevin Piotrowski, and Benjamin Slutsker
Regulatory change is not a new concept. In fact, some might argue Benjamin Franklin’s quote should have been “in this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death, taxes, and regulatory change.”
By Roy Goldman
It’s 1954 and air travel is quickly replacing rail travel. You are the chief actuary of the Insurance Company of North America [INA].
By Eric P. Harding
I have two sons. As I’ve mentioned in this space previously, they bring me great joy … and great terror. See, these boys are fearless. And while that may sound like a humblebrag of the highest order, this trait has its downsides.
By Mark Shemtob
In a recent issue of Contingencies, I authored an article about the challenges that individuals face in making retirement planning decisions (“The Retiree Nest Egg—Navigating the Risks,” November/December 2016).
By John T. Stokesbury
So, there I was. I remember it like it was yesterday. I was reading my prior year memo to get up to speed for this year’s project. And one sentence caught my attention. I kept reading it over and over again.